• ...Let your request be made known unto God

    It all began with a heart’s desire. Praying to be part of a body of believers who would worship the Lord in spirit and in truth. Sister Angela Blunt began to pray.

  • Obedience and Faith

    Sister Blunt shared her prayer and vision with a set of six specific people. The members of the group stepped out on faith with her. Obeying the edict to gather weekly to pray, study and fellowship. Meeting for a year and a half until God revealed the next move.

    “Take two and go in.” Fall 1987

  • They that wait upon the Lord

    This group, now seven waited until March 1988 when the Holy Spirit instructed “Take it Now!” They negotiated a land contract for 623 Elm St. financially secured by the seven within 25 minutes. On Good Friday April 1st., 1988 the first sermon was led by brother Anthony Blunt until the Holy Spirit raised the next Pastor.

  • Sweet Transitions

    On March 25, 2018, Pastor Angela Blunt, the pastor who prayed about her vision, who then revealed her vision, and then carried out the call of the Lord on her life for 30 years retires in full release from on high. Passing the Senior Pastor legacy on to a faithful and humble leader Spencer Ray Blunt. Newly ordained Pastor Spencer preached his first sermon on April 1st, 2018.

  • Pandemic Pressures

    Pastor Spencer and Christ Love could not have predicted the very difficult challenges that a global pandemic would bring two years later in the year 2020. The core of the congregation remained steadfast, strong and unmovable, even when many houses of God were unable to stand. In the Spring of 2021 after waiting for a release from and much prayer to God, Pastor Spencer Blunt resigned as Senior Pastor of Christ Love Fellowship. Pastor Hope Renee Matteson was elevated to the office of Senior Pastor.

  • Call Upon the Lord

    Pastor Matteson elevated to the Senior Pastor position accepted responsibility but immediately sought the Lord through fasting and prayer as mandated by the Holy Spirit. She believed she was called to lead the remnant in the new transition but continued to seek God to confirm if she was indeed the permanent visible shepherd or if there was another. Pastor Matteson was immediately led by the Holy Spirit to reopen the church for Sunday morning worship services.

  • God's Got Us!

    After a long drought of in-house virtual gatherings. The congregation would once again come together in the sanctuary under strict Covid-19 restrictions thankfully and joyfully worshipping the Lord. Although there were only a few, God was there in the midst. The very next Sunday the Lord brought into the service Pastor and sister Lawson Glenn Jr.

    Pastor Glenn was no stranger to the Christ Love Fellowship congregation, as he had been entrusted to supply the pulpit on several occasions, during the tenure of Pastor Angela C. Blunt. Upon seeing and speaking with Pastor Glenn, Pastor Matteson believed him to be the senior pastor, that the Lord was sending the flock of Christ Love. The Holy Spirit confirmed that Pastor Lawson Glenn was the man, as Pastor Matteson witnessed that, she yielded to the Lord’s Will.

  • Kingdom Business

    Pastor Lawson Glenn Jr. accepted the charge by the Holy Spirit to become the next Senior Pastor at Christ Love Fellowship Church Sunday April 4th, 2021.

    May the righteous and good hand of the Lord be upon Pastor Lawson Glenn Jr. to lead the sheep of Christ Love Fellowship. The people will submit to the mighty Will of God and follow this Senior Pastor Lawson Glenn and his wife Sheila Glenn as they follow Christ.

    The Lord has continued to bless this congregation, saving many souls through various opportunities that will remain unlisted, as He alone deserves all of the glory and all of the praise.

    The Lord remains faithful to His word and will continue to complete the good work that He began. Christ Love Fellowship was, is, and ever shall be available to be a working vessel together with Christ.

  • Unexpected Loss

    Pastor Glenn transitioned to glory July 25, 2022. Christ Love Fellowship is shaken but not moved.

    We will still strive to do our very best so that the Lord God in heaven will be glorified.